Day 6
I was participating in a documentary studies seminar (using Zoom) when I heard the sound of a lone turkey. After this many days in isolation, I was excited to have a visitor. I switched off the video camera so the instructor could not see me. Then, still listening to the class, I grabbed my camera, crawled to the door, opened it, and snapped photos.
I felt sorry for the turkey. This dude was gobbling away trying to attract a mate. He puffed out his feathers and did the turkey strut. He thrust his head forward and gobbled as loud as possible. Nothing worked. He is as isolated as most of us in California are. I haven’t seen a female turkey on my property for at least a year. His isolation could be much longer than mine.

With time on my hands, I decided to process one of the dozens of images I took using a painterly approach. After quite awhile working with Lightroom, Photoshop, and various Topaz tools, I now have an image I can use for Thanksgiving. If only there were a Turkey Tinder, I’d be able to post it to try to get Mr. Tom a date.