When the alarm went off at 8:15 this morning, it felt as if it was the middle of the night. And it was in San Jose, California. I dragged myself out of bed, showered and made it to breakfast. It was sunny and warm, a perfect day to eat outdoors. I had a couple of hours to catch on on email before heading out for the 11:20 AM shuttle to the airport.
Antarctic Airway
The flight to the ship was on a small jet (either an Avro RJ85, BAE 146-200, or Avro RJ100) that had four engines. One of the ground crew explained that the runway at Puerto Williams is so short that the plane needs the extra thrust provided by four engines to lift off before hitting the end of the runway. That was a new one for me. I’ve been in airports where takeoff was tricky due to the altitude (thin air). And I survived the dangerous landing in Bhutan where a full size jet has to make a 90 degree turn just prior to wheels down on the runway. But a short runway is new to me.

The Beauty of Patagonia
The view from the plane was outstanding. Glen was seated at the window, so he took these photos. Several years ago we went to Patagonia and stayed at the Explora Lodge. Each evening the staff offered options for the next day. We did a lot of hiking, took a boat ride that took us close to a glacier, and rode horses with local gauchos. Seeing the beauty of Patagonia from the plane made me want to return for a visit.

Boarding the Silver Wind
As we approached our landing, we caught a glimpse of the Silver Wind from the air—a thrilling sight. But the actual journey to the ship took a little longer than expected. The airport is on one part of the island, while the ship was docked across an inlet, so we had a five-minute bus ride before finally arriving.

Our welcoming party included a Rock Shag (also known as a Magellanic Cormorant), which seemed like a fitting start to an expedition filled with wildlife encounters.

Settling into the Silver Suite
Our Silver Suite is wonderfully designed, especially for two people with slightly different sleep schedules. The living and dining area is separate from the bedroom, with doors leading to both the bedroom and the bathroom/closet. This setup allows me to wake up early, make a cup of coffee with the in-room espresso machine, and ease into the morning without disturbing my husband. Likewise, if he wants to stay up late working on his projects—he restores old audio recordings and shares them on one of his three YouTube channels—he can relax in the living area without keeping me awake.

The Mandatory Safety Briefing
No ship voyage can begin without a mandatory safety briefing and a visit to the muster station. The visit happens in person, and the briefing is through video in the cabin. After completing those, we unpacked, ate dinner, and settled in as the ship left the small port of Puerto Williams.